Dev blog #4

This is the forth dev post for my game. I'll be showing all the new and cool changes I have added to the game.

> Main Features added

  • Thermal vision
  • New terrain
  • soldiers and Buildings

Thermal vision can be used to spot targets such as soldiers with ease. Any targets that produce a heat will glow.

Thermal view

Development of larger terrains. Still in work in progress and may not make it to the game.

> Bug Fixes

  • The was a stutter whenever you call in an airstrike and when the bomb path was calculated. This turned out to be an issue on my end and worked perfectly fine.

> Known Bugs  

  • Terrain is too large to apply small details such as roads and rivers. 
  • Errors with baking occlusion lighting with big terrains.
  • Imprecise and large Nav mesh which are very difficult to work with. 

> Future Development

  • I will be fixing the terrain or switching back to my previous terrain so I can implement more visual details to the environment. 
  • I will be setting up explosion hitbox for the airstrike to take out enemies. 
  • Set up the Ai pathing for friendly troops to be following. 
  • Display a cool down for the airstrike ability. 

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