Dev blog #6

Welcome to my sixth dev post. This week I had a heavly based on the AI implementation into the game. 

> Main Features added

  • Proper Navmesh Added for soldiers and tanks. 
  • Friendly  tanks added to convoy.
  • Enemy Convoy  with waypoints.
  • Enemy AI can detect friendly units  which will stop and point their weapons towards. 
  • Changed up the scenery by adding more terrian and adjusted house size and position.

Enemy AI detecting targets.

New Terrian and changes to building placement.

> Bug Fixed

  • Fixed pixel font and now displays correctly.
  • Fixed explosion behivour to remove AI unity correctly from the scene with no errors.
  • Fixed AI stopping correctly. AI now Behave as intended.
  • Fixed AI stopping correctly. AI now Behave as intended.
  • Fixed the navmesh for the Bmp 1 Vehicle.

> Future Development

  • Allow the enemy to shoot back to kill friendly units. 
  • Add more details to the level and extend Level Length.
  • Add Menu UI.

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